Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ivy League "Elite"

I'm a California dude born and raised, so I honestly don't have much experience with the Ivy League "elite" or faux-elite, as the tea party would have you believe.

"It's only one subset of Ivy Leaguers that seems to bother anybody....the lawyer-social engineers-journalist-activists they churn out by the boatload," as he writes in The Corner. "To the extent the Ivy League comes up it is as a code word [for an aggressive, progressive agenda] that is pissing so many people off."

To be fair, this just strikes me as a form of the limousine liberal critique of which perhaps the Ivy League is a leading subset.

More to the point -

This meritocracy has created an "elite" without merit. In everyone's eyes but its own.

All sorts of people, Ivy League or not, are born on third base and think they hit a triple. I suppose a couple things we can agree upon -

Who gives a shit where you went to college?

The elites - Ivy League or not - did a reckless job managing our economy, a piss poor job at educating us on the dangers of Islamic Radicalism prior to 9/11, and a bad job of managing the first half of the Iraq War.

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