Sunday, October 18, 2009

Welfare Reform

I'm a fan of welfare reform. It is one of the best things Clinton did while in office. What's sickening, however, is that today, the largest recipients of welfare are the richest of the rich.

An article about how the Yankees fleeced the taxpayers for their new stadium and stand to benefit from all the higher ticket prices, concessions, etc. The taxpayers pay for half the new stadium and the Yankees get to keep the profit.

Not to mention Goldman and Lehman and AIG getting bailed out by the taxpayers. What a joke. Any small company in America gets overleveraged and takes too many risks in the way these guys did it and they go bankrupt. But because they're big and connected, they're able to buy protection.

We should of let them fail out of principle and decency. Going through bankruptcy isn't the end of the world - PG&E did it and came out strong. The airlines have done it multiple times. Families do it and survive.

I don't get it and don't know whether to believe these people who say we saved the world economy from falling into the tank.

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