Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Not A Good Topic

But the blog is a place to explore ideas, not to be politically correct. The debate raged on last week about whether girls are funny. It seems to be a rather lame question because intellectually we think, well of course girls are funny. But it all started in a late night diarrhea mouth session on the Hegira set and talking about funny people - not just like oh, Ellen Degenres funny people...we're talking REALLY funny people, like Larry David funny or young Eddie Murphy. Serious funny.

It came up that no girls were on the REALLY funny list. This, of course, enraged the women involved and has since enraged other women and invoke cries of misogyny and so forth, but the one's who made the thesis (not me, of course) were fair, I think, to suggest they would reverse the thesis IF ONE counterexample could be presented to the judges: Name a Funny Woman.

Some have named Carol Burnett and Lucille Ball. We have disqualified these nominations because while we agree they may be funny, we feel the two ladies are irrelevent to our generation, most of whom never, ever watch either of their shows.

Others have brought up Elaine from Seinfeld, whom I am very partial to. Elaine was frigging hilarious on Seinfeld, in my opinion. However, can we honestly say Julia Louie Dryfus is REALLY funny? Come on.

Then we are stuck with those who bring up Sarah Silverman. The most accurrate response I can give at this point is a shoulder shrug. Maaaaybe. I promise to see this movie over the Thanksgiving break and will issue a summary ruling if it is indeed funny. But otherwise, the questions remains unanswered until a counter example is found. Note: The funny girl doesn't have to be a celebrity.


Charles said...

how about those bitches from SNL?

cindy. said...

yeah, and id like to nominate that bitch, alice.