Monday, October 31, 2005

Maureen Dowd Having Trouble Getting Action

A long article on how tough it is for successful women to find mates.

I've got some advice for successful women who want to find men: BE COOL. I can't believe Dowd never talks about COOL. A cool chick, whether she is "successful" (ps - Dowd means rich) or not, will have men drooling and wanting to marry them - regardless of how attactive they are. I realize it's tough to be cool and probably something genetic.

Dowd is probably in the crowd that says, "No, it's cool to be successful and smart." Wrong, wrong, wrong. Cool is it's own thing, independent of intelligence, success, morality, appearence, etc. Cool means getting it. And cool also means not trying to be cool. She talks about 30s romantic comedies, ie screwball comedies and seeing herself in those feminine roles...what those chicks were was above all, COOL.

A perfect example of cool vs. uncool is the Brad Pitt woman fiasco...Jennifer A is very obviously NOT COOL, whereas Angelina, while being a weirdo, is definitely COOL. Does that make sense? He's not with her because she's sexy, but because she's cool. I'm not saying it'll necessarily last, but it's just a real world example explaining the difference.

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