Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Arianna Huffington starts a blog and the fire arts are swarming. Let's see if she can hang.

UPDATE: I'm not going to waste much time or thought on this Huffington blog, but from what I've read so far - IT SUCKS, royally. She feels like such a poseur to me, with her MASSIVE blog roll. What did she do? Go to Truthlaidbare and pick the top 100 blogs and put them in alphabetical order? What a douche bag.

Then she has all this really cool people write these pretentious little bits. Quincy Jones laments Michael Jackson. Jesus. Say something funny or interesting - don't waste my time with a eulogy.

Bill Maher talks about biodeisel. No offense, Phil, but SNOOZE...(note, I look forward to seeing how you engage the audience with the documentary, as we talked about in class, you don't want it to be a Public Service Announcement)

The only funny person is Larry David, who should really have a blog of his own.

This is like a gang blog saying, "look how many cool, important people we have on our side." It's the blog equivalent of Ocean's 12. I'd rather read one interesting person with a complicated point of view, a some wit, and a sense of humor (about themselves, most importantly).

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