Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ouch, Again

This hurts. Huffington massacred again, this time by LA Weekly, of all places.

I can't believe it cost her in the range of $5 million to start her blog. Public Musings, total cost = $0. I have proudly not spent a cent. Lots and lots of labor, though. Not to be solipsistic, but I like Public Musings a whole lot better.

UPDATE: I re-looked at the Huffington Blog. It is truly, truly embarrassing. The sophistication is so low, I'm sad for the writers. It's like the moment in a classroom when a student is reading aloud and he can't pronounce easy words correctly. You want to be polite, but at the same time, it's fundamentally sad. Maybe they'll have George Lucas write on cinematic art...

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