Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Problem with Conservatives

When conservatives argue passionately, it's hard not to picture them during high school trying the same tactics attempting to convince a girl to let them feel her boobs.

This article talks about the Minneapolis PD's ineptitude because they don't want to "be tough" on black gangs for fear of perpetuating the numbers of blacks in jail.

What they don't mention, that would help their cause, is that while blacks clearly perpetrate crimes in higher rates than other minorities, blacks are also more often the victims of crimes than other minorities.

Perhaps we ought to look at justice as a form of victim rights or retribution as opposed to say, preventative justice...we might be better positioned to examine what is just.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I don't see these things as entirely different.

When it comes to feeling boobs, let's be honest, all sorts of different tactics will be employed. I see a Saturday Night Live Skit.