Monday, March 21, 2005

Love Actually Sucks

I rarely turn off movies. Even the stupid ones, I get roped in and generally can get through. And I heard Love Actually was pretty good. A friend even recommended it to me recently. I've been watching it and had to turn it off. It's utterly horrible. How in the world can you make such a bad movie with so many great actors? I find this movie unwatchable.


Charles said...

funny, I was just sitting in on tom holman's class for about 20 minutes and he was showing "love actually" and I sat there thinking - "this is a good movie." As usual - you are incorrect.

Anonymous said...

Greg - I think you and I are the only 2 people on this earth that didn't like this movie. I heard nothing but wonderful things about it, but also had to turn it off. It's long and not all that interesting.

Greg said...

Indeed. I must concur with Nate that one of the reasons I abhor this film is my deep affection for the romantic comedy.

I am glad to not be alone.