Thursday, March 17, 2005

A Challenge

What's wrong with neoconservatism? I know not many scholars read my blog, but I am truly interested in hearing a reasoned critique of neoconservatism....the name alone seems evoke an image of Darth Vader or other evil forces within the US government, yet I'm sure most people aren't exactly sure what the ideology stands for. I figure most people think neo=hip/new, conservative=bad, so neoconservative must a hip/sleek version of something really bad, ie Darth Vader.

Here is a post from Drezner about Europe fearing neoconservative Paul Wolfowitz being the new head of the World Bank. I would've thought the Europeans would've liked an intellectual American...

Jon Stewart on Wolfowitz last night - "His name remarkably is able to sound both intimidating and Jewy at the same."

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