Tuesday, September 14, 2004

No Tip - Go To Jail

Heard about this on Stern and it's up on some blogs.

This guy is a martyr, a modern day Socrates...or simply a jack-ass. Bottom line: the obligation to tip is a big issue. I hate the obligation. In my world, there's no obligation to tip and people give big tips. The obligation to tip is the WORST. This is fascism...it's the part in Office Space when the restaurant manager requires her to wear "flair": it's wrong, it's obnoxious, it's horrific, it's extortion.

A small tipper is a cheapscape. Big deal. Nothing's wrong with it, it's a personality flaw. I think it's funny. Quentin dealt with the issue completely in Resivoir Dogs...the Buscemi scene in the beginning. People argue about working their ass off - bullshit. People work their ass off in all sorts of jobs and professions and don't get paid shit. Who said life was fair? It's best to get the idea of "fairness" out of your head with respect to personal things (ie employment, love, etc) because it ain't useful. In the political spectrum it's different, but not entirely (different topic, different time).

"Deserving" the big tip is our generation...the generation that feels entitled to rule. Our President is reflective of that. I'm glad these Al Queda guys are dumb for the most part, otherwise, we'd have quite a fight on our hands.

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