Saturday, September 04, 2004

A little Crazy

This idea just sounds a little too crazy for me.

I read a review of Cornel West's new book called Democracy Matters. In it, he apparently talks about the gansterization of America and the world - whereby we basically thug around and make money and the strongest survive. I'd like to read the book and see where he goes with it.

On a similar note, I watched The Fog of War the other night and thoroughly enjoyed it. McNamera is a fascinating and intelligent man. The description of World War II was nearly unfathomable to me - he talked about this Air Force colonel McKay who was this brutal, but courageous, wartime leader. Upon discovering 20% of US fighter pilots were finding ways to cancel mission because the odds of them dying were so high, McKay offered to fly the lead plane on every mission and if anyone bailed out, that they would be court martialed.

He later led the firebombing of Tokyo which killed 100,000 people in a single night. Can you imagine? It is unfathomable to me. I think he may have eventually been on the Hiroshima bomb flight.

McNamera said that we killed 5 of 9 Japanese citizens living in urban areas throughout the war. Today we would call that genocide.

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