Friday, September 10, 2004

Light Blogging

Chuck comments that the blogging has been light, which is true...and which also means, I'm going to blog up a storm this weekend.

Funny things:

Some white trash hick was shooting unwanted puppies this week. One of the puppies realized what was going on and scrambled around, somehow triggering his gun and shooting the honky in the wrist. Go Dog! Compliments of Howard Stern.

Also on Stern, he's going to attempt to tone down the bulletin board, which apparently has been taken over by 50 losers who call everyone a faggot and harrass users off. Sounds appropriate. I'm glad he's going to try to police it...of course, one of the losers calls in and accuses Howard of censorship. Howard (oddly articulately) goes on about how he's trying to create a "unique space" for fans to interact, not some sort of lame-ass loser board for unemployed pussies hiding in through their computers. Go Howard!

Had an interesting documentary idea yesterday about masculinity. I read something somewhere or heard something somewhere where a guy was talking about how he had a great relationship with his father, but that for some reason, the subject always chokes him up. There's a lot of weird male identity issues out there...the most obvious are the ones that manifest themselves in violence. See Arab males attitudes toward violence...I mean all this suicide bombing shit has roots in emasculation and other psycho-sexual things. Also, see the african american male population committing crimes and in prison. We don't see similar stats with african american women. What's up with that? There's certainly structural things going on with both of these issues, terror and incarceration, but one can't entirely look past the gender issues.

Most violent crime is men committing crime against men. There are interesting male issues going on in talk radio - see Stern, Tom Likes (sp?)...Likes even goes so far as to call himself daddy to some of his callers. This is weird stuff.

What else? The movie. Does anyone really care?

My 1 minute directing project went OK. I actually liked it a lot when I made it, but my class was real luke-warm about it. I think it was too obvious or something. The film school crowd is weird, though, everyone has seen everything before and all anyone is looking for is something different (me too). That's not to try to say my movie was cool and they missed it...actually, yeah it is. Whatever, this is the business we have chosen. Unwisely.

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