Monday, March 03, 2014

Not Good

Obamacare cuts home health care for millions of seniors.

Yikes.  I would file this under "liberal grievances with Obamacare."  Speaking from some experience with family medical problems: home healthcare for bad off patients is a lot better (and more efficient) than hospital care.  Hospital care is terrible.  Hospitals are incredibly conservative and overly administer drugs, fluids, IVs, etc.  They are blunt instruments designed to save lives and not do anything drastically wrong.  As a result, they are inefficient, soul-crushing, and way too cautious.  They often make patients worse in order to ensure  the worst-case scenario does not happen.  And if you happen to be in the "worst-case scenario," you will be thankful for such care.  But 90% of the time, I'm guessing, the worst-case scenario isn't happening and the hospital does too much.

Which brings us to Obamacare cutting home health care for Medicare folks.  Sounds incredibly stupid to me.  But Obamacare is a blunt, dumb instrument, as are all things operated by the Federal Government.

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