Monday, September 14, 2009

Why Entourage Sucks

There are so many reasons, big and small, but one glaring example came forth last night when Ari takes his abuse of Lloyd 9 steps too far. I was waiting for a Mr. Miyagi moment when Lloyd loses his shit and then Ari shows him wax on wax off was really teaching him defensive karate movies, but of course not. Ari just acts like a lunatic and Lloyd finally quits to go to a rival agency at 3 times the pay. Talk about an easy decision. Any normal, real human being would have quit ages ago and Ari would never dish it like that to a good assistant. A much more interesting angle would have been if Ari kept making empty promises and delaying Lloyd's promotion until Lloyd quit and then Ari tries to get him back or something along those lines. As is, I didn't believe either character's behavior and the plotting made the choices so beyond obvious.

And Drama's make-up was one of the dumber gags I can remember. God...Entourage is turning into Saved By the Bell, a stupid, yet somehow addictive show.

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