Monday, September 21, 2009

My New Least Favorite Team

The Jets tampered with Crabtree. Or at least, they are being charged with it. This is like hitting on dude's new girlfriend. (versus the 49ers who were tampering with Briggs several years ago was like hitting on an unhappy housewife)

This is added to Rex Ryan's blustering about the Patriots. First off, the Patriots are the most successful team in the the post-salary cap era. They've dominated the Jets for years. Here is a guy talking trash about the Pats while they're clearly on their way down with age and injuries. This is like picking a fight with a dude when you know he just got diagnosed with a head injury and isn't likely to be aggressive. Where was Ryan mouthing off with such bravado when the Pats were wiping their asses with his face?

Not to mention all this Sanchez nonsense and the Farve nonsense from last year. Do these guys forget they collapsed at midseason last year? Who the f--- are the frigging Jets? I don't even remember the last time this team was in the playoffs. They suck ass. Sanchez throws for -8 yards in the first half yesterday and finishes the game with 160 yards and these guys are sucking his balls? Jesus Christ.

These guys are my new least favorite team. Plus, they're from New York...even worse.

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