Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Trusting" Obama

Andrew Sullivan responds to why Obama packing his cabinet with conservative, establishment choices is different from when Clinton did the same thing. Because he trusts him.

One of my favorite lesser known Tarantino lines comes from Jackie Brown:

"Do you trust Beaumont?"
"I trust Beaumont to be Beaumont. You know what I'm saying?"

Or something along those's been over five years since I saw the film. But yeah, I trust Obama to be a politician and make compromises. The Warren pick was all over the news and I heard about it before I even knew what it was about - Obama picks some anti-gay dude - but then I learned it was just the guy who swears him in. Uhhhh, who cares? Mel Gibson and Jenna Jamison could swear Obama in, it wouldn't matter to me. Warren has no impact on policy or anything that matters.

My only question about Obama is whether he's a leader or a celebrity and being President and history will test it - because there will come a moment when the doing the right thing and doing the popular thing will be different. Will he disappoint the jawing masses? I certainly hope so.

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