Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Irony

Prop 8 narrowly didn't pass. The rural folks voted for it (you know, the people that grow all the great California food) and the city folks voted against it. The swing population, it turns out, was the black vote - they came out en masse for Obama - and voted in favor of Prop 8. [Side note: does this mean California is a red state, blue state split?]

And let's face it: Obama didn't campaign for Prop 8 - he tossed it under the bus like a smart politician. You gotta pick your battles.

Advice to those in favor of gay marriage: relax. Gays will have the right to get married in time. The demographics are in your favor. Young people don't give a rats ass about "traditional" marriage. And please, don't act like this is the "Civil Rights Issue of Our Time" and you're marching in Selma. Don't call your opponents bigots and racists - it's not the way to win them over. Take the tact: who gives a shit if gay people get married? I guarantee, even amongst those who fear the liberals teaching their kids to be gay in school, when it comes down to it and they discuss the issue at the dinner table and someone in their family says - honestly, who gives a shit? They'll eventually come around. Or at least 60% of them.

In any case, these propositions are annoying ways to make laws. What ever happened to the regular way of making laws - you know, introduce in one house of congress, pass the other, get signed by the govner? And by the way, shouldn't amending a state constitution require a little more work than simply getting a popular majority or a proposition?

I'm not gay.

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