Friday, November 07, 2008

Civil Rights Issue

See...when it becomes a civil rights issue, it starts to justify any and all behavior.

It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks. YOU NIGGER, one man shouted at men. If your people want to call me a FAGGOT, I will call you a nigger. Someone else said same thing to me on the next block near the and my friend were walking, he is also gay but Korean, and a young WeHo clone said after last night the niggers better not come to West Hollywood if they knew what was BEST for them.

And then there's the protest of the Mormon church. At first, the idea of protesting the church seemed clever to me, since Prop 8 was funded by Mormons. But then I thought: what if Mormons went to West Hollywood and protested being gay. How would I feel about that?

And while you're at it: why not protest Catholics as well.

What's the best end line: "Can't we all just get along?" or "Time For A Change." Either works for me.

1 comment:

singhx said...

Somewhere, those on the far right are eating this shit up. A house divided indeed...