Sunday, November 09, 2008

Be Careful

The Prop 8 rally this weekend in Silver Lake was organized by the ANSWER Coalition. ANSWER stands for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism. It is an organization started right after Sept 11th attacks to preemptively protest America's reaction to 9/11. I actually attended an ANSWER Coalition meeting in 2003 and was completely repulsed by the people and organization - a mix of various socialists, Islamicists, "progressives," pro-Palestinian groups, etc.

Among other things, ANSWER stands for:

1. Opposition to the War in Afghanistan
2. Opposition to the War in Iraq
3. Opposition to the State of Israel
4. Support of Hamas and Hezbollah as legitimate resistance movements, as opposed to terrorist organizations.
5. Was started by members of the World Worker Party, an offshoot of the world communist party.
6. Includes the Muslim Students Association - a student organization which supported the Taliban government in Afghanistan.
7. Advocates full amnesty for all illegal immigrants in the United States

On the website for the Prop 8 protest, a direct quote:

"The LGBT movement and its allies won same-sex marriage rights and only a militant movement will ultimately prevail."

I strongly caution those of us who favor marriage rights for gay people to think about who they get in bed with. These guys burn Israeli flags at rallies. And they are trying to exploit grievance for their own can an organization both support marriage rights for gays and the Taliban government?


Anonymous said...

I support a lot of liberal causes, but most people don't stop and examine that some of them are masked in extremist clauses. Stop the War, but it's ok to support Muslim terrorism. I get emails from ANSWER and I don't know why, but they irritate me beyond belief. And what's with the new fashion statement of looking like a terrorist? That's just stupid. I'm ashamed for my kids to grow up with such idiots around. Hopefully Barack will inspire education and reason to these dimwits.

Greg said...

Not only do I support liberal causes...I'm a liberal! And it's because I'm liberal that I passionately hate fundamentalist Islam - not only the acts of terrorism - but the entire ideology. It is the polar opposite of liberalism - intolerant, misogynistic, anti-science, anti-freedom, anti-doubt, all under the cloak of virtue. It is disgusting. And yet many "liberal" Americans can't find it heart to oppose fundamentalist Islam in any meaningful way. Most are perfectly happy to let it fester and grow in vulnerable spots around, in exchange for not needing to face it and think about it for a short while longer. Worse, most think George Bush and Sarah Palin are greater threats to liberalism, world-wide stability, and peace than a murderous hate filled group of fanatics. I don't see how one can call themselves liberal without despising the very essence of Islamic Fundamentalism.

And yes, I don't get the terrorism shiek look either. I see hipsters donning Hamas scarves and makes me want to puke and long for the days of Che Guevera teeshirts.