Wednesday, November 05, 2008

And Now What?

I heard part of McCain's speech on the radio. In my opinion, the man made it way farther than he deserved in this life, but nonetheless displayed honor and integrity. I have no beef with the man.

Obama's speech was great. He conjures up images of ourselves we want to believe. At least for tonight, I'm going to lay off...because for crissake...America just elected a black president. Come on now, people, that's pretty remarkable.

Now...onto other's my concern. Summed up by the party I attended this evening in Los Angeles:

I'm a mixed race muthafucker, so if anyone likes this idea I should. But I don't. Because a man is still a Marlo explains in season 5 of the Wire: my name is my name. See. Do you get it?


singhx said...

It's still a cool piece of Photoshopped art. Look at it that way.

Greg said...

if someone forwarded it to me via email, you'd be right.

but this was hanging at the democratic party sponsored obama election party. this was the main stream, official reps for obama in LA. It hung up there like a creepy orwellian piece of agit-prop.

i keep telling myself the democratic party isn't the party of moveon and michael moore, not the party of grainy video and stomping boots. but sometimes i worry that's our future.

singhx said...

Let it go. It's a cool piece of art. I saw that same image from the San Diego Comic-Con back in the summer.

Just because someone at the Dem party put this up shouldn't freak you out. What you see as agit-prop, I see as a simple expression of celebration. It's all about context and intent.

Be cool, bro, like our President-elect -- the King Supreme Highness Emir Furher Obama!

(That last part was a joke).