Tuesday, February 13, 2007

North Korea

I doubt NoKo will live up to any promise, but I think it's a good thing to try to strike a deal with them now and allow some sort of process to attempt to keep them in check. At the very least, tensions won't escalate for the time being - a good thing for the moment. Like the pimp at the beginning of Miami Vice, their day will come...but we've got bigger problems right now: Iran and Iraq.

I'm down with trying to make a deal with Iran as well, if they'd just help Iraq stabilize...I'd present the big carrot and big stick:

Option A) You keep messing with Iraq and developing nukes we 1) Seize funds from all mullahs 2) Actively fund and support all dissident movements in Iraq 3) Openly call for regime change 4) Terrorize their oil fields and plunge the Iranian economy


Option B) 1) Give up the quest for nukes 2) Help stabilize Iraq and you will get recognition from the UN, restored trade relations and recognition from the United States.

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