Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Kinda. I should have known...writing about the FUN (which is my code word for LAFF movies). The rule that keeps proving itself, is that when writing about a subject on a blog, people WILL find it. I wrote some comments on short films, thinking, stupidly, that no one who would be hurt, would find it, but of course, they did.

It is absurd that I should think I have a RIGHT to publish this stuff. Obviously, film festival expects confidentiality from it's screeners. I won't act like a victim of censorship, there needs to be systems in place that ensure discussion and opinions can be voiced in private. But alas, I'm a blogger, and so when I have thoughts, I blog.

Anyhow, as a filmmaker, I'd appreciate the candid feedback. I get so sick of phony praise or self-censored remarks. But alas, many don't want to hear what, as Eminem says, "What people say in their own living rooms."

1 comment:

robyn said...

For the record, I did appreciate the candid comments. Just: having someone you don't know react to something you made feels sort of weird if you are not used to it. Sort of like when you overhear people talking about you. Thrilling at the same time. Altogether irresistable to not somehow reply to.