Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I've Said It Before...

How does Palestine expect to be a country when the export they are most noted for around the world are suicide bombs.

The irony is that they are REALLY good at suicide bombing. They are able to inspire young men, gain expertise in bomb making, be creative in their instruments of death. See this link to dipping schrapnel in rat poison so victims bleed to death quicker and can't get to the hospital.

I find it impossible to believe if these people devoted more of their energy to say, building an uncorrupt civil society, small businesses, or even large businesses, they would do fine - possibly even develop a real state of their own that has a positive vision for the Palestinian people.

Instead, what they have and cling to, is a grievance about land "stolen" from them. They have reduced themselves to beggers who attack their neighboring country and then ask that country and it's allies for millions, even billions per year, in aid. It's like the homeless guy who yells and attacks you and then asks for money. Uhhhh...sorry buddy, but can I just walk class without being accosted?

I just don't know how they expect to eat.

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