Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Little Things That Make You Feel Good

Way back at the end of last semester, I pitched this documentary idea that was a little bit messy, but essentially had to do with Muslims living in Los Angeles, hoping to focus on people with more radical points of view. I was hoping to interview a terrorist.

To the risk-adverse film school, it was not a project they wanted to sponsor for the 546 projects. Maybe they were right, I didn't have a super clear idea of what the story would ultimately become, but anyhow, I thought the topic had possibility and I would've definately had a POV different from any other documentaries on the subject....humor mixed with indignation mixed with trying to get laid mixed with spying.

Just the other day I was in SPO talking with two people who worked on a documentary this semester and so I was chatting about their experience, and they seemed to have had a decent time. Then towards the end they were both like, "But we were hoping your idea got picked." These were two people I didn't know, didn't even know they were at the pitch, didn't even know they knew who I was and so I was flattered. One of them recounted their favorite part of the pitch tape, which incidentally was the same part my documentary professor called, "ethically suspect."

Anyhow, for an idea that made me feel like a little bit of a failure (as all non-chosen 546 projects make the author feel), it was a little uplifting to think that someone else who didn't have any reason to like the idea and the pitch, remembered it.

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