Wednesday, December 14, 2005


You know that feeling when you get something to work? Something you've been toiling with? Well, it feels good. I cut a split screen dinner scene and made a bunch of adjustments and I think it's pretty damn cool. My favorite moment was discovered completely on accident, as I was adding in different takes and a leftover bit of an unused take was at the end of the timeline. I was watching the end of the scene and it abruptly cuts to a close up of a particular character, on accident of course, and all of a sudden I realized what an important moment I just discovered. The character has a realization about another character at the end of scene that was never scripted, but comes into play later in the movie.

More importantly, however, it reflects my POV, that we, as people have an effect on the people around us by the passion and honesty of our opinions and outlook, that we change and influence one another - not in a major, sudden way, but in small moments, when we finally come to see another person's outlook on the world. These moments, well, they are the shit.

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