Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Fake Hate Mail

What's worse: hate mail or fake hate mail? A hate crime or a fake hate crime?


Greg said...

i guess kevin didn't read "never cry wolf."

Anonymous said...

oh i see.
you're equating fake hate mail with "never cry wolf"?
now see here little jimmy, if you keep sending fake hate mail, no one will really believe you when you finally develop the hate you need and decide to send mail expressing it. be careful!

Greg said...

I think the idea is that if fake hate mail becomes a trend (which it has, according to this incident and others - most notably to me is an incident at my college where a guest prof vandelized her own car to demonstrate how hate was prevelent on college campuses) that it undermines what should be our collective horror of actual hate crimes.

furthermore, it encourages paranoia about local hate incidents that may in fact, not exist.