Thursday, April 07, 2005

Bring Him Down!

I've never been so interested in seeing a politician brought down than right now with Tom DeLay.

I suppose if I had been around during Watergate, I would have liked to seen Nixon fall, but someone like DeLay worries me more than Nixon. My great uncle actually knew Nixon when they were both lawyers in California. He was a die hard FDR Democrat, hated everything Nixon stood for, but knowing the man, really liked him. Funny, eh?

I was happy when Gingrich, Lott, and Thurmond all either were removed from office or revealed to be a major hypocrite...same with Rush Limbaugh...but none of them I feel deserve to lose their job in a public, embarrassing manner, like I think DeLay deserves to.

UPDATE: Here's another perspective, comparing DeLay to Clinton. I guess the difference for me is that the shady stuff doesn't quite bug me as much as his threatening remarks....

Part of me is jaded and thinks, well, they're all corrupt, so what's the difference. But I also think that one can be a good person and a good politician and still have behaviour that the media latches onto and exploits to make you look bad. Holding up LAX for a haircut is snappy and makes Clinton look like an ass, but I wonder about what really happened. I'm guessing Clinton didn't say, "I want a haircut and I want all LAX flights to wait for me because of it."

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