Thursday, April 28, 2005

Blogosphere Death Matches

If I had an online animation show, it would definately be Celebrity Death Match meets the blogosphere.

The first card - Glenn (I support gay marriage, and am not gay) Reynolds (Did I mention that I'm married and not gay) versus (I'm gay and support all gay rights) Andrew (Did I mention I was gay) Sullivan.

Second Card- Michelle (I'm a hot philipina conservative) Malkin (and think the Japanese internment camps were justified - Amerikkka p'rease rrrespect me) versus Ann Marie (I'm serious journalist posing as a washington skank) Cox, (no really, i like giving head) aka Wonkette. Check out the first blow in this bout.

3rd Card - Kos versus Drugde. I don't even read these guys, but this would be a serious catfight - I imagine lots of hair pulling.

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