Thursday, February 26, 2004

Josh has a post up about campaign finance reform. His proposal seems to be a mix of the Steve Forbes flax tax and the McCain-Feingold bill.

As I wrote in an earlier post, I think Josh's wish is already starting to come true with the Howard Dean campaign raising big money over the internet from small donors, enough to exceed Kerry and his corporate contributions.

I'd like to see Josh address the proposal on a 1st Amendment basis - the prevailing argument is that money=speech. If I'm a corporation or a rich individual, I can spend my money any way I want. That's the whole point of living in a free country, I can do whatever I want with what's mine, so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. An argument could be made that gross overspending by few silences the masses - in some sense, the same status of speech as heckling someone (ie not allowing them to speak).

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