Monday, February 16, 2004

Got this interview from Jeff Jarvis via Instapundit. The buruea chief of Foxnews Germany is correct about blogging, the voices tend to be more conservative and libertarian. The appeal of these voices is that they supply a diversity of ideas that big media lacks. I was sick of reading superficial liberal articles about 9/11 and Iraq up in San Fran while I was living there. I started reading Foreign Affairs and Weblogs to get more quality information and interesting perspectives. It's the best reading I've found in years.

The left, of which I've been a member for nearly all my life, has become a haven for small minded preachers, espousing one perspective and insulting all others as position rooted in stupidity and/or selfish personal gain. The left, although correct about many things, is deeply flawed in its paranoid view of the right. And I cannot understand why they the left has so much contempt for most American's whom they feel are stupid and need to be told what to do and how to think. Why they insist on thinking the supporters of the Iraq war were just swept up in National pride and would follow Bush in whatever he wanted? Where are these Americans? Who are these Americans? Because the Americans I know, rich, poor, white, black, brown, yellow, green, tend not to be stupid. At least no more stupid than any other people.....

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