Thursday, February 26, 2004

FCC vs Howard Stern

Instapundit has some links on Howard Stern getting fired from several syndicated markets.

I think the links are on the right track in that any company has the right to fire or remove a broadcaster from the airwaves for any number of reaons, if they aren't meeting ratings, the show is politically incorrect, the boss doesn't like the broadcast, it is racist, it is sexist, it is boring, it is stupid. The first amendment does not offer job security to those lucky enough to have a radio show.

The issue with Stern is that he thinks the FCC is responsible for getting his showed pulled. His show is offensive. That's what everyone loves about it. It offends all the annoying people in America who are looking around for things to find offensive. The company broadcasting his show has every right to be offended and pull the show off the air. But the FCC should not be strong arming companies to pull the show off the air - that would be censorship. Nor should Clear Channel push the responsibility onto the FCC. If they want to pull Howard, they should say, "We don't like your content. We don't care about the ratingz, we aren't interested in syndicating you. So there." It's their right. But if the FCC is strong-arming them, they should fight it.

I'm a big Howard Stern fan, so I think Clear Channel is stupid for pulling his show. And if they are pulling it because of the FCC, well, then they're stupid and wusses.

The same goes for Limbaugh. He got canned by his employer for being an idiot and in my opinion, deservedly so.

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