Monday, March 12, 2012


Hearing about this awful massacre by an American soldier in's something to think about...

If this happened in America, by a Muslim dude who sympathized or worked for radical Islamicists, we would be going buck-freaking-wild freaking out. We would call it a terrorist attack inspired by radical Islam, if not ordered specifically by Al Queda or some other like minded group. Such a thing would cited as justification our presence in Afghanistan and perhaps even our work in Iraq.

But let's think about what actually happened and how we think about it...we know this is the work of a lone crazy dude. We know our policy has no stated goal of attacking Afghani civilians. But if the shoe were on the other foot, we would still be blaming the radical Islamicists for setting the conditions where an attack like this can occur, might even be inspired to occur. Can't they say the same about us?

Since the right has been on the forefront of this issue, I'm hoping they will talk address it, although I doubt they will have any good answers. I have no hope for the left, who treats such issues by burying their heads in the sand.

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