Sunday, March 25, 2012


Film: Hiro Dreams of Sushi

I really enjoyed this little film about a sushi chef and his obsession with making better and better sushi.

In other news, the theater itself was busier than I can remember theaters being for a long time, because of the Hunger Games. This made me unexpectedly happy. I haven't seen the movie yet, but just the fact that people are going to the theater in droves is really exciting. It bodes well for the business, makes the studio feel flush and therefore more likely to take future risks. It encourages the audience to get into the habit of going to movies. It helps other movies if folks go to the theater to see Hunger Games and it is sold out and they go to a different movie instead. Make no mistake, these kind of hits are good for the business. For those wary of popular entertainment, and I include myself in there, it would be foolish to imagine a world where only the Red Belts, No Country For Old Mens, the Fargos, and the Memories of Murder get made. These types of films are subsidized by the Hunger Games - if not directly - indirectly - because the Hunger Games pays for the theaters and the projection systems and the development costs - and all the sunk investments costs that exist prior to seeing a movie in a theater.

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