Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Republican Debate

Caught some of it tonight. First things first: Rick Perry. Good lord. He couldn't even remember the three federal agencies he wanted to abolish. He looked like a football player who didn't do his homework and needed to do an in-class presentation. His candidacy has got to be done. The guy cannot talk.

Bachman - crazy eyez Bachman. This women seems unscrupulous and doesn't answer the questions asked of her. She is pointless to listen to.

Santorum - is he even running? Guy can't get a word in. Less relevant than Bachman.

Newt - I liked hearing Newt's answers. The guy is obviously smart. I guess everyone thinks he's slimy and untrustworthy. Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention, cause I don't see it. He does seem a bit erudite, and I tend to think people like that are trying to hide something.

Romney - As a Democrat with independent and libertarian leanings, Romney seems to be the most sensible candidate. I listen to him when he speaks. He seems smart and capable.

Cain - I look forward to seeing what he's going to say and how he says it. I can't possibly take him seriously as a Presidential candidate. I actually don't think he is particularly bright or knowledgeable, but has a folksy charm and probably is the guy I'd most enjoy watching football with.

Ron Paul - Easily may favorite person to hear his point of view. Strangely principled and accurate on about 75% of things, but certain positions are waaaaay too impractical and border on being theoretical exercises as opposed to actual governing.

Huntsman - I can't quite understand why this guy isn't getting more serious attention. Almost like Romney, but comes across as more genuine and with a broader set of expertise. I like hearing his POV in the way I like hearing Romney's as he basically makes fundamental sense.

If I knew absolutely nothing and was just watching these in a vacuum, it seems like Romney and Huntsman are the only two true "Presidential" figures. Cain and Paul are entertaining sideshows. Bachman, Santorum, and Perry are jokes if you ask me. Newt is like the wise old uncle who seems a bit detached.

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