Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bill Maher Ambushed

Elizabeth Hasselbeck ambushes Bill Maher on the View.

On this, I gotta side with Maher, even though I'm not much of a fan. I feel a need to defend all comedians when people get offended or outraged about their jokes. I wish Maher had said something along the lines: look, if you want comedy, the only way you get comedy is to push the envelope of what is acceptable to say. Sometimes, we will be off. Sometimes, we will be offensive. But the alternative is to be self-censoring for fear of upsetting people, and who wants to live in a world like that? So, no. I won't apologize for being offensive. Some of the funniest bits in comedy are rape-jokes (Chris Rock), jokes about child beating (Bernie Mac), so get off your high horse and learn to laugh a little.

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