Monday, May 18, 2009

New Terminator

A pretty damn good review in Variety.

Darker, grimmer and more stylistically single-minded than its two relatively giddy predecessors, "Terminator Salvation" boasts the kind of singular vision that distinguished the James Cameron original...

Damn. I'll believe it when I see it. Which will probably be midnight on Thursday.


singhx said...

I'll also believe it when I see it... I don't know why I'm so excited for this movie. It's fucking McG, for Christ's sake!

...And, oh, you're a nice guy, Greg, but we're through professionally. Kaput. Adios. Happy trails.

Never step through my shot again, bro.

singhx said...

One addendum on the Variety review: early in his review, the author dares to put T2 in the same boat as T3...?! Fuck that guy.

Right now the Terminator-related shows that matter are T1 and T2. Not T3 and not the fucking TV show, "The Sarah Connor Chornicles". To hell with that.

Goddamn. This new movie better deliver...

You're gonna have to throw up a quick, spoiler-free blog post after you catch Terminator Salvation on Thursday morning.

Greg said...

The Bale rant only adds to the mystic of this movie. The guy was obviously experiencing combat stress from fighting T600 machines. And you know the DP had it coming.

Greg said...
