Monday, May 18, 2009


The tracks are re-paved. And so it begins, again. A good run and a good time. I actually went overboard on my first lap this time, running it in 1:08. Too fast. In lap two I felt my upper body and extremities going numb. Odd. I finished lap three at 4:00 and thought I had a good shot at beating 5:30. But not today. I figure, a new pair of shoes, running on a non-recovery day (I played soccer yesterday), a little warmer weather, or running not right after work, and I can easily push this to 5:25. If I can keep up the hard runs, I might even get to 5:15 this summer. That would be something.

What sickens me is the thought that there are real runners, not even world class guys, but just D1 dudes out there running easily in low 4 minutes. 4 freaking minutes. That is just plain sick.

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