Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Palin w/ Couric

I caught a brief interview w/ Palin on CBS news this early evening. She didn't do bad. The one answer I couldn't tolerate was a non-answer when Couric asked her what newspapers/magazines she read. She said "all of them." Couric almost laughed and was like, "no, which newspapers/magazines specifically do you read." Palin said, "you know, people think Alaska is like some foreign country, but we're really just a microcosm of America." I was like, no Palin, she just asked you what newspapers you read. I suspect she may not. A tad scary.

Then she talked about how she thought science - not creationism - should be taught in schools and how she believed in a culture of life, but obviously wasn't interested in locking anyone up for having an abortion. On all the rest of it, I thought she handled herself quite well.

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