Thursday, September 25, 2008

Impulse Decision

McCain makes impulse decisions when they aren't necessary. His decision to suspend his campaign and probably miss the debate doesn't make sense. Yesterday I suggest he was wussing out. I don't really think it's the case. I think he simply has a tendency to "go with his gut," and is too old and stubborn to change. When his gut is wrong, he looks silly and either backtracks or just keeps going. Sometimes, this kind of decision-making is best. In sports, for instance. Taking the extra base in baseball. Taking it right at the defender in soccer. In war, I assume, it is equally smart - the keep the enemy off balance.

But in terms of governing and creating policy, I don't see how gut-level decision making is the smart way to go. Certain activities and decisions should be the result of deliberate thought - writing a novel, getting married, buying a home. Impulse may play a part in these things - a moment of inspiration, love at first sight, or that first - blink - moment you see a house and know you want to move in. But you temper those moments with thought and deliberation. Anyhow - McCain's done it twice now on major public decisions - the Palin pick and the suspension of his campaign. I suspect he got it right (for him) on Palin and wrong (for him) on suspending the campaign. .500 is a good batting average, but pretty shitty when it comes to public policy.

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