Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Political Poon-Tang

Every couple years it comes up - some well respected politician gets caught with his pants down banging someone other than his wife. Most recently, John Edwards fell victim to it.

The reasons for this repeated cycle are obvious. Most of these politicians are nerds growing up. Poon-tang is hard to come by. Eventually, they find success in public life and suddenly, women become available to them. What man could possibly resist? It would take a fanatic.

The irony is these early marriages help a young politicians career. I imagine the stability, encouragement, and respectability helps one get elected. No one is voting for some single dude in his mid-30s who spends his nights waiting in line to get into clubs and trying to pick up younger chicks. No, they vote for the nerdy dude who did well in law school and spends his nights reading up on community issues rather than chasing tail. I would.

But then you hit your 40s and you see your wife who's probably nice and sweet and good, but let's face it - is about a 5 in the looks department. When you were 23 and you met, you were only a 5 also, so you took the plunge. But now you've got 7s and 8s fawning over you and suddenly you realize: shit, I sold my stock when it was low. I should of held onto to Apple during the lean years, I'd be rich right now.

Obama must be troubled by this. The guy could get tons of poon right now. Michelle seems nice, but come on fellas, she ain't all that...and so either the guy's gotta be in love or have incredible discipline. Or else we're in for another scandal.


Anonymous said...

you think this guy had trouble nailing the coeds at Columbia/Harvard et al

And what of Clinton - the guy may have married a less than attractive gal but I don't buy he ever had trouble getting laid.

Greg said...

I think Clinton's on record for not getting a lot of female attention early on in his life. Which helps explain his dalliances with tons of girls in his rise to power.

Obama might be an exception, I don't know.

But are you suggesting these guys have tons of options and they each settled on Hillary and Michelle, respectively?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I really have no clue as to their dealing with women in their early adult lives. So, each could easily have settled for the women they married. And I also don't know how calculating each was in marrying pre their political careers, probably had more to do with their characters and seeing themselves as wanting to get going on the family front.

I think there's no doubt you are correct on the general idea that these powerful, unattractive men are presented with a degree of attractiveness that they would never be able to pull - one can see it as well in sports, entertainment, newscasters etc. But on the other hand for these people to achieve these positions they likely have charisma beyond that of the average male and possibly would appeal to women no matter what sphere they were in?