Saturday, August 30, 2008

Biden and Obama: Anti-Man?

Dr. Helen, aka Mrs. Instapundit writes about Biden and Obama's anti-man political positions.

I hear snickers.

Everyone seems to think women are key to this election.

Side item, on man issues - I listen to Tom Leykis sometimes on my way home from work. I always to think the guy was a huge douche-bag. And to a certain degree, he is a douche-bag. But he's big and popular with men and comes on 97.1 which is the station my car is usually on after work because I used to listen to Stern and now listen to Corolla. I get caught up listening to him sometimes, although I often find myself angrily switching the channel.

In an epiphany the other day about all these men calling in and complaining about women and calling Leykis "dad" and all of his advice about how to bang women without spending any money on them and how to break up, etc, etc. is basically one big male therapy session. These dudes out there, listening to their stories they tell Leykis, if you just barely scratch underneath the surface of the male-bravado, have incredible pain and hurt. It's actually quite sad at times and a reflection of something going on with the male-psyche in this country that a guy like Lykis, who isn't particularly insightful or even what I would call "a good dude," can get such a huge demographic merely talking about issues men care about on the air.

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