Wednesday, August 20, 2008

As If I Needed Another Reason

Employers checking out Facebook profiles of potential employees.

I'm this close to canceling my LinkedIn profile because it does absolutely nothing for me. I don't update it. The only time I ever log in is when people invite me to join and I just accept. What the hell is the point. I stopped using Goodreads after I got verbally assaulted and accused of trying sabotage a pre-published book that sucked. I hate this new internet-dating-reality-tv-style-culture we've descended into, where a person is what they can represent or be sold-as for entertainment purposes rather than the how things used to be - people had a reputation based upon things they did and people who knew them. Now, people are their facebook profiles first. Too much goddamn info.

The irony of me writing this on a blog is not lost on me...for some reason, I find a blog more private than facebook. A blog is like a memoir or an op-ed and is controlled by the author. I view it as an ongoing conversation, a record of thoughts, a sketchbook of ideas. Facebook and LinkedIn are giving up control to their interactive system and your image is no longer yours. It's the internet version of reality tv, which entertains through humiliation of others. You're there for the entertainment of others - so they can waste time screwing around accumulating points in a vast and superficial universe of meaningless connections.

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