Thursday, June 21, 2007

You Call That Reporting?

CNN Headline: 14 Troops Killed.

I guess they didn't read my link to Bill Roggio's blog yesterday. Not a single mention of the major operation against AQ right now. It seems to me the context here matters quite a bit. This is a case of what war supporters call MSM bias. I'm not convinced it's any more than lazy stupidity.

Two versions of the same story:

1. 14 more US troops dead. Implication: Needless death.
2. US undertakes major new operation to root out and kill AQ insurgents in and around Baghdad. 14 soldiers killed in battle. Implication: Sad but necessary sacrifice.

I think everyone is against needless death. So when we're told by news outlets this version, it helps explain why support for the war is so low. But regardless of all that...isn't it the job of reporters to find the story and the context of events? I don't care if the truth doesn't support my opinion, I'd rather hear it and make my own judgement than merely get statistics that reflect someone else's...

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