Monday, June 18, 2007

This Is Stupid

First off, Neocons don't advocate staying in Iraq forever...everyone has different strategies...they merely think that American power will have long term positive benefits for the region. Adding more troops or removing troops is an issue for the generals to decide based upon the situation. In any reasonable persons mind the issue isn't getting out of Iraq or staying, it's in what capacity do we stay - even prior to Iraq War II we had no fly zones over the Kurdish north. Point is, do we remove troops from the Sunni areas, or send troops there to root out Al Queda? We're going to maintain some troops for the indefinite future regardless if you're a neocon or not.

Second point - democracy has always been the least worst of all governmental options. Lamanting the first set of democratic elections in the Middle East in a long ass time (if ever) in Gaza, Iraq, and Lebanon is giving up way too easy. Autocracy had it chance and it failed miserably...for the people there and for us. Democracy deserves a chance.

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