Saturday, May 20, 2006

Pigheaded Asshole

Don't act like this is a bad thing - who in the hell wants a movie business business that bends over for the Catholic church.

What is it people? Is America a fanatically religious country - Passion of the Christ or is it a Catholic-hating, anti-religious country - the Da Vinci Code. Sorry, don't think you can argue out of both sides of your mouths.

One thing that continually irks me about social ideologues and politico punditry is they use and value movies to the extent they fit into their silly little ideological borders they've drawn for themselves. They aren't open to movies, in fact, they are closed and want things to either plop in or plot out. This is why when I left DC I never went back and why I never went into to Politics and working on the hill or whatever other young political science people do. In the end, they become partisan gang members, unable to think for themselves or outside the constructs of Washington and it's power structures.

Who gives a flying shit about the Da Vinci Code? It's a best seller, a throwaway, in the category of Jurrassic Park or the Firm, and the movie getting made is so frigging obvious, don't think it has anything to do with Hollywood and it's prejudices. The market speaks for itself. But as for whether its a good movie, well, that MAY be worth talking about, but I could tell from the book and from the early reviews, the chances of it being good are unlikely. But why do people make it into more than it is? An attack on Catholicism. Yeah right. If you think people are stupid enough to believe in the "truth" of the Da Vinci code, it's sort of like talking about the people who thought the Blair Witch Project was real. Come on, man.

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