Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'd Of Killed Him

And not lost a blink of sleep about it. This analysis is right. The Moussaoui trial misses the point. The terrorists have outflanked us on the issue of death. They've accepted their own, because to us, death is sacred and permanent. They've poked a hole in our system of thought. But let me say this, if we're going down, like they say, I say we take a whole of them with us.

UPDATE: Peggy Noonan seems to agree with me, albeit, a little more gracefully. Look, I don't think of myself as bloodthirsty. In fact, I had pretty much came to the conclusion that we should ban the death penalty because of the arbitrary nature in which it is employed (based upon the strength of your attorney). But then 9/11 happened and I realized all these fuckers who plotted and planned it deserved to die. And they don't deserve to die because it furthers society, or because it would deter others.

Maybe it could be considered retributive justice, but I think it might even be more simple than that. They've announced loudly and clearly, that they are our mortal enemies. And we have two choices - wait for them to kill us, or kill them first. It's pretty much the logic of the Terminator, but it's hard to argue it isn't true.

UPDATE 2: Regarding discussion of Moussaoi's sad childhood. Who gives a flying fuck? Is the correct answer.

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