Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Zuckerberg and Senate Hearings

Facebook collects data on non-users, too. Yep. And then this:
In another startling revelation about how Facebook is reaching out beyond its members, CNBC reported that Facebook has been in discussions with a number of hospitals, including the Stanford Medical School and American College of Cardiology, asking that they share data about their patients, such as illnesses and prescription info, as part of a research project.
Uh huh. Look...I can see a good application of this...but I can also see a bad one. What makes us remotely confident Facebook cares either way?

PS - I can't picture the US Government regulating Facebook is going to help anything. Tyler Cowen has been looking at the issue in much more depth than I. The thing I find absurd is the idea that people WANT the government to regulate Facebook. Does Facebook provide any essential service? I don't see what government involvement seeks to achieve. If users don't trust Facebook, it ought to be their responsibility to get off it.

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