Saturday, April 07, 2018

Clever Arguments

On why California models American's future and the end of Republicanism.

All I can say is: maybe.

Contend with these facts/realities: California is losing population because cost of living is too high. The last time I was in San Francisco driving around, I saw homeless people openly injecting needles into themselves. I don't remember this type of thing when I lived in SF. Anecdotally, one of the most common fantasies amongst my younger-ish adult peers is leaving CA for lower cost of living places. The strangest person you can come across in coastal california is not a transgendered person who cut off their penis and takes hormones, not a porn actor, not tech titan, or a famous novelist, but rather someone who has (or wants) more than 2 kids.

Also, I've live in California my entire life and I don't know a single person who thinks the state is a better place to live today than decades ago. So, if this is the future, what we also might want to consider is whether that is a good thing.

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