Monday, December 26, 2011

Showbiz Analysis

Pretty interesting.

He likes IMax and not 3-D. I was at Best Buy the other day and the sales clerk says next year, they are going to be pushing 3D TVs and phasing out everything else. Really? Who the hell is going to watch 3D TV? What is it going to even look like? What if you have people over - is everyone going to bring their own glasses? This entire concept is absurd. No one wants this crap.

Also was thinking about Avatar -- by the far the best example of 3D movie making. Question: imagine Avatar NOT in 3D. Do people still flock to theaters? I think so. I think the movie is visually spectacular WITHOUT the 3D. Sure, it made it more of an event, but I still don't believe there is a rich future in 3D. People don't care about this crap. They care about seeing good stories well told. And I think the comparisons to sound cinema are not relevant. Or color. Sound and color are obvious game changers. You could take the dumbest person off the street and they can see the immediate difference and be like: I get it. With 3D, the immediate reaction is sort of like "whhaaaaaa????," and people aren't sure whether they like it better or not. I imagine the majority of people are annoyed with it. With color and sound, you always had purists who though, oh no, this is going to change things for the worse, but the average lay person I'm sure was like - "oh cool, what is this." Not so for 3D. The average lay person is like "$4 more for tickets? I have to wear these stupid glasses to get like 3 feet of depth? Not for me. I'll stream a movie on Netflix."

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