Saturday, December 03, 2011

Movie Previews

Is it just me or are movie previews getting worse? Last night, three stood out. The Madonna-directed movie about the British Prince who gave up the throne. A boring idea to begin with, but the real senselessness is the modern day parallel story line with Abby Cornish. It makes no sense. Maybe I need to see the movie to figure it out. Number 2 - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I don't understand the story. A kid's father dies in 9/11 and then he finds a key and starts visiting diverse people around NYC to figure out what it unlocks? Kid - it is probably just your dad's porn collection in his desk. Relax. I suppose I'll have to see it, but the use of 9/11 in this movie could potentially be quite offensive - as a way to mask weak or no emotion - let's use the biggest, most tragic, horrific event of our lives to make people feel sad. A sort of horrific pedophilic distant cousin to the non-linear storytelling device used by Guillermo Arriaga to mask lame melodrama. But both pale in comparison to Albert Nobbs. I can't say anything about this trailer, I must let it speak for itself:

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